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I Injured My Spinal Cord at Work: Now What?

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Though there are many detrimental injuries that people could sustain in their lives, some of the most feared injuries are those related to the spinal cord. Everyone has heard stories of people who have forever lost their ability to walk due to these types of mishaps, and even for those who don't lose this ability, they could spend the rest of their lives in intense pain. For this reason, it's important for every person, regardless of what industry they work in, to understand these types of injuries, how they occur and how they should react if they ever sustain one on the job.
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Guidance For Word Press New Users

Word Press was introduced in 2003. If you want to start a blog on the website. You can make use of the Wordpress application. With the help of the Word Press tool you can make, post and publish the blog on your website in just a few clicks. With the help of Word Press you can easily adjust the appearance of your website. For your help there would be a lot of Word Press themes available on the internet.

Tips for new users of Wordpress are as follows:
How to define a menu:
  • Login to the Wordpress
  • On the left hand side there would be an appearance menu select the 'Menus' option for the Menu Editor to pop.
  • In the Menu Name box enter a name
  • Next Click on the - Create Menu button.
  • You have successfully defined a new custom menu.
How to add an Item to a Menu
  • On The Screen Options you will get a choice of items to be added to the menu.
  • Look for the pane entitled Pages.
  • After locating the pane, click on the View All to view the list of all the recently undated Pages on the site.
  • Click on all the pages that you would want to add by clicking the checkbox.
  • To add your selection to the menu that you created in the earlier step Click on the Add to Menu button Scroll back to the Menu Editor.
  • To save the changes selects the Save Menu button.
Deleting a Menu Item
  • Look for the item on the menu that you would like to discard from the menu editor window
  • Next to expand it Click on the arrow icon which would be visible on the top right-hand corner of the menu item/box
  • The moment you click on the Remove link. The very next minute the menu item/box will be removed.
  • To save these changes made click on the Save menu option.

How to customize the items on the Menu
The Navigation tag
In this field you will see the title of the item on your custom menu. This is exactly what the visitors will view when they visit the blog/site
Title Attribute
With the help of this the text will be showed in the distance when the user's mouse moves around the menu item.
  • To enlarge it Click on the arrow which is on the top right-hand corner on the menu item.
  • Enter the degrees that you want to assign to the item for the Navigation Label and Title Attribute 
  • Thereafter select the Save Menu option and your changes will be saved.
How to Create a Multi-level Menu
  • Point the mouse on the 'child' menu option.
  • By holding on the left side of the mouse button, drag it to the right.
  • Release the mouse button.
  • Repeat the steps for the entire sub-menu item.
  • Click the Save Menu button to save the changes.

How to Add the Menu to the Site
  • Select the custom menu Using the dropdown in the Theme Location pane,
  • Click Save button to save the changes.
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A Closer Look at Moore’s Law

The meaning of Moore’s Law is very simple. It states that semiconductor components complexity and power will double every two years. This law was formulated by Gordon Moore in 1965. Moore, who was then chairman of Intel, made the remark during Electronics’ 35th anniversary edition. Since the microchip became widely used in 1859, the law has proven to be true. Even to this day, the power of processors still double every two years.

Rephrasing by Others
As computers became more and more popular during the 1980s and 1990s, the law started to be paraphrased by other people and researchers in the field. For instance, the law now applies to the amount of transistors that are on a chip. In addition the law is now also applied to computer power per unit expenses and so on. While variations of the law emerged, there is no questioning the fact that the law is still holding up.

In the mid 2000s in fact, variations of the law started being applied to data transmission, and their increasing speed, magnetic data storage dimensions, amount of RAM available and how genomes can be sequenced. Other variations of Moore’s Law are now applied to inventions that are mass produced, scanning device resolutions, LED lights and other technologies.

Endurance of the Law
What really makes the law even more amazing is the fact that Moore made that statement even though he had only half a dozen years experience working on microchips when he said it. A lot of people have predicted the death of Moore’s Law yet it has kept going and continues to keep going. Today a lot of experts believe that Moore’s Law will have to be adjusted in 2015 when standard photolithographical techniques come to their end.

Photolithography utilizes light beams to embed the features and elements onto a chip. What this means is that etching smaller components will need smaller light wavelengths. The reason why many predict an adjustment of the law is required is that the photolithography technique is rapidly moving into the range of ultraviolet. It is very difficult to go further than that because it will require vast amounts of energy to generate frequency waves at smaller frequencies.

Because of this physical limitation, other options like 3-D chips, nanocomputing, DNA computing other technologies are being considered. Economy is one aspect that gave in so that the law could be sustained. This area of the economy is the funding required to start a state of the art microchip-manufacturing plant.

Today it costs about $2 billion. Based on recent studies it will cost as much or more to get past the physical limitations imposed by photolithography. While the task is complex, there is little doubt that the supply will be crated as there is a strong demand for even more powerful applications.

Some people mistakenly believe that what Moore said was that computing power will double every 18 months. But this was said not by Moore but by David House, an Intel executive. He said that in reference to doubling the power of microchips.

Now that you know the meaning of Moore’s Law, it has become easier to understand why it has proven to be so accurate. Whether the law has to be adjusted or replaced entirely with a new one in 2015 however, remains to be seen.
Author Bio: Ron is likes writing articles for http://www.mooreslaw.org
and http://www.tech-faq.com/

Animated Films Nominated for Oscars Are No Longer "Cartoons"

Movies have come along way in the animation department since the days of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Some of the most innovative films in recent years, including those in this year’s Oscar crop, have not only been good animated films but just flat out great films.
  In previous years the “Toy Story” franchise crossed over into the Best Picture category and the two front runners for Best Animated Film this year could also qualify, or are at least on the cusp. Both “Wreck It Ralph” and “Brave” were viewed widely by adult audiences and were not “cartoons” when it came to kids fare.
  Long are the days when we classified animation by the word “cartoon.” “The Simpsons” and the much earlier “Flintstones” on television took us out of that world into just good programming.
  “Wreck It Ralph” starring the voice of John C. Reilly in the lead character role was a surprisingly good film. It had message and above all it had creativity. There truly is nothing new under the sun when it comes to making movies but “Wreck It Ralph” came awful close.
  Akin to the original “Tron” where we were taken inside the video game world, Ralph is just one character in an arcade game who breaks out because he’s under appreciated. He is “dissed” so to speak by the other characters and strikes out on his own leaving behind a world which really cannot function without him. His new world functions despite him.
  What Ralph goes through as the bad guy turned good guy turned his game’s missing link, is nothing short of amazing. His relationship with a little girl from another game who is also somewhat of a misfit is very touching. It is a film worth seeing even if you are not into the animated cycle.
  “Brave” might at first drum up thoughts of Mel Gibson’s “Braveheart” (1995) as both are about Scots during medieval times. It really is the tale of a girl and her bow & arrow taking on a beastly curse to save her kingdom. Kelly McDonald (Boardwalk Empire HBO) stars as the voice of Princess Merida. Other big name Scots such as Billy Connolly and Craig Ferguson lend their voices to the project. 
  “Brave” is remarkable when it comes to the animation itself. Then again so is “ParaNorman,” a film about ghosts and things which go bump in the night. “ParaNorman” is also nominated for Oscar gold. A young boy takes on everything from Zombie’s to ghosts to save his town. It is critically acclaimed and comes from the mind of Sam Fell and Chris Butler with some inspiration from John Hughes.
  The other nominees are Tim Burton’s “Frankenweenie” and Peter Lord’s “The Pirates! Band of Misfits.” The latter is from Aardman Studios which won an Academy Award for “Wallace & Gromit; the Curse of the Were-Rabbit.” Burton of course has done so many bizarre films including animation and the studio which produced “Frankenweenie,” Disney is nominated every year and wins most of the time. Laika Studios was nominated  last year for the hit film “Coraline” and this year produced “ParaNorman.”
Aaron Read is a professional in the home entertainment industry and contributes regularly to leading websites including cable-tv.com/.

Causes of Truck Accidents on The Freeways

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Truck drivers have dangerous and difficult jobs. They maneuver through traffic constantly and often create dangers on their own account. They can be particularly dangerous on the open highway, as many of them are on short deadlines for just-in-time delivery or attempting to earn an early delivery bonus. Additionally, many trucks have blind spots for vehicles that are trailing them and can often lose track of a vehicle that is following too closely. These situations can easily be the reason for dangerous lane swapping while in transit, many times at illegal speeds. This is a list of the various problems for over-the-road truckers.
Dangerous Tractor Trailer Rigs
Semis are a real danger for other vehicle operators negotiating traffic, especially those in compact cars. It really does not take a major distraction to cause a truck driver to lose focus. The mere size of a big rig makes them the most dangerous vehicle on the road. When this is coupled with other extenuating circumstances the result can be deadly. The highway is full of constant distractions that are occurring at high speeds. Truckers that do not drive defensively or generally operate the vehicle in an inconsiderate manner are jeopardizing the lives of everyone on the highway, including themselves.
Deadlines and the Dog Law
The dog law is the Department of Transportation (DOT) limiting of the number of hours per day that a truck driver can operate the commercial vehicle. The limit is set at 11 hours and 59 minutes and the driver's registry log must accurately reflect the time schedule. This danger of over-working the driver is not quite as bad as it once was, as many transportation companies have installed computerized governors on the trucks and can shut the truck down from the dispatcher's office.Regardless of whether you ask one of the lawyers in your area or a truck accident lawyer Atlanta based, they will undoubtedly agree that accidents caused by lack of sleep is a common problem for big rig drivers.

Exploiting Technology and the Log Book
Modern technology allows the dispatcher to maintain the location of all truck drivers in real time. However, many companies do not use the technology for safety's sake, opting to exploit the system for more profit. Truck drivers have routinely kept two log books for many years, so one is for the company and the other doctored book is for the DOT. This is an illegal system, but it has been a trick of the trade for many years. The end result is a lack of sleep, which affects alertness.
Cell Phones and Radios
Many contemporary big rigs are essentially a home on wheels for the driver. They can contain laptop computers and fully customized entertainment systems along with sleeping quarters. Many drivers routinely eat while driving, which is also a serious driving hazard. Even smoking cigarettes while driving can be dangerous. The popularity of cell phones has practically eliminated the need for CB radios, though they are still utilized. Of course, texting while driving is never a good practice and illegal in many locations. Regardless, most drivers have at least one cell phone in the truck at all times for contacting the home office or other drivers. Drivers still network while in transit in an effort to dodge radar checkpoints, which can also be a distraction.
Drivers that are determined negligent in an accident could be charged for any violation that is provable. Many distractions are not necessarily illegal, but can contribute to fault in a wreck. The real problem with big rigs is they are often involved in tragic and deadly accidents with multiple cars. The inability to stop in a short distance creates another potential hazard for distraction. Accidents involving trucks can be very complicated cases and the transportation and insurance companies will defend most cases strongly to limit the possibility of punitive damages. Additionally, the driver is also subject to civil tort claims in some instances.

Author Bio:
As a blogger, Jeanetta Champion, shares this article to promote defensive driving. Stokes & Kopitsky, P.A., who provide truck accident lawyer Atlanta based, is a recognized leader in personal injury law. The firm has successfully tried many types of cases involving tractor-trailer collisions, recovering upwards of 10 million dollars in verdicts for clients in Georgia.  Their track record demonstrates their commitment to assisting victims injured by negligent tractor-trailer drivers and their employers.

Blogging: the Social Media at its Best

Bulletin board systems used to have the corner on the flow of information; these were usurped by weblogs, now called blogs. Blogging is not a new trend, it has actually been around since the late 1990’s, but now there are so many different types of blogs that it seems this trend is not going away any time fast.

Blogs started out by being a source of information on specific items or websites. These had to be professionally edited and published, and it was rare to be able to leave comments or ask questions online.

In 2009 the world was introduced to the world of MBA’s (multi author blogs,) although they were still edited and published. MBA’s allowed the opinions of its authors to be expressed as well as the specific information to be released to the public. These also allowed blog readers to comment on the blogs and encouraged communications with the authors.Generally blogs were subjective, an online diary or used for advertising.

Social Media
From there the World Wide Web seemed to explode in blogging and blog following. Social media picked up the ball and ran with it; where blogging is concerned. Social media sites like Twitter and Facebook put the MBA’s into the social media arena to allow further interactions.

Now there are not only typical diary logs, informational logs and subjective blogs, but there are podcasts (digital media usually listened to via mobile devices,) MP3 blogs (a collection of music files that can be downloaded,) vlogs (video blogs are visual and are seen as web television), photo blogs, art blogs (provide information and images in reference to specific art,) edublogs (enhances the education of students) and micro/mini blogs.

Social media blogging is entertaining and informative; it allows complete communication between the authors and their readers (followers.) The more followers a blogger has, the more visibility given to the author’s opinions and information are spread.

Entertainers use blogs to inform their fans (followers) on what is happening in their world, so that fans connect on a different level with their favourite entertainers.

Business connections
Businesses use blogs to transmit new information on their products or brands, and if there is something wrong with those products or brands, the business are able to get that information out to their customers quickly.

Mini/Macro blogging
Twitter is a good example of a micro/mini blog, as bloggers can update their statuses in moments with a minimum amount of words required. This allows their followers to feel like there are connected to those bloggers personally, especially if the blogger answers their questions.

On line newspapers often have several types of blogs in them. Longer blogs are used more as a “letter to the editor,” and by registering with the online newspaper readers (mini bloggers) are able to attach their opinions about specific news stories to the end of those stories directly. This encourages the community of followers of that website to interact with each other, and ask for more information if the original story is vague.

Fenix Raw is an IT professional from Test4prep.Are you really Looking for this 1Z0-042 Test Question assistance? Move ahead to take the benefit of 1Z0-804 Test Question and pass your exam easily.

How does a single Arduino control so many LEDs?

In the world of open hardware and electronics, the Arduino is slowly becoming a household name. In fact, this brand of corresponding programming software and small computing platforms has been garnering a lot attention among electronics hobbyists, artists, educators, and the DIY crowd. This technology is primarily used for interacting with the real world and could be used with several sensors, motors, lights, and other electronic items to interact with and sense the environment. An open source electronics prototyping platform, Arduino has been around for quite some time now, and is gathering an ever increasing crowd of enthusiastic followers and hobbyists. 

The standard Arduino board consists of a single board with a microcontroller that is capable of executing specialised programmes. This allows the Arduino's 8-bit Atmel AVR microcontroller to be used for some interesting applications.

The versatility of the Arduino board and its open source nature allows it to be used in a wide variety of applications and hardware projects. One in particular is its ability to control a large number of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). Being able to control different LEDs and being able to vary their intensities independently of each other has led the Arduino to be used in some really complicated and amazing projects all over the world among the scientific and technological community. 

Arduino as a LED Controller
Although the Arduino has a limited number of pins on it, it can still control an 8-by-8 matrix of LEDs directly. If a larger number of LEDs need to be controlled, then there are several ways through which this can be achieved. For instance, one can use shift registers to extend the capabilities of the Arduino. 

The Power of Shift Registers
One of the ways through which we can use Arduinos to control more than 16 LEDs simultaneously is by using shift registers. The 74HC595 is a shift register that fits perfectly for this job. It is an 8-bit serial-in chip that offers both serial and parallel out connections. Using just a few pins, the shift register allows the Arduino to control more than 8 different LEDs. For instance, the STP16C596 chip can let the Arduino control over 16 LEDs without the need for series resistors for constant current sources. 

How it works?
Arduino's LED controlling capabilities are virtually endless, thanks to the “Synchronous Serial Communication” properties. Using bitwise pulses, the data can be fed to the registers bit-by-bit. This allows a whole byte to be transmitted in the bitwise fashion and when completed, the high or low messages are passed on to the output pins.

Being able to control multiple LEDs has helped enthusiasts to develop some really cool Arduino projects. For instance, one particular Arduino project makes use of the Arduino platform
to control a huge array of LEDs that have been arranged in a three dimensional matrix. The 3D matrix allows the LEDs to portray some really amazing visual effects, which make the whole set up come alive in multicolour. Such projects are only possible because the Arduino has the capability to control the huge arrays of LEDs without a sweat.

2013: The Year of Fibre Optic Broadband

Ever since Sir Tim Berners-Lee found a new way of using the internet while working at CERN in 1989, our reliance on it has accelerated year-on-year. Since the turn of the millenium, the number of people online has risen from only 360 million, to a colossal 2.4 billion. Whereas traditional cabling (which sends electrical signals down copper wire) is prone to interference as it moves further away from the telephone exchange, fibre optic cabling passes signals at the speed of light, and doesn't lose its quality. 2012 saw huge developments in the provision of fast and affordable Fibre Optic broadband; and now HD video streaming, browsing, and highly-responsive online gaming are all becoming faster thanks to the virtual revolution. In 2013 we can only expect these developments to be further accelerated, as the potential for fibre optic continues to grow. Here we will aim to have a look as to the reasons as to why fibre optic broadband is set to take off, as well as also looking a the more technical side of what fibre optic broadband is all about.

As a nation, we're becoming increasingly susceptible to 'e-anxiety', with 57% of Londoners feeling uncomfortable or worried when unable to check their email or Facebook accounts. In the coming year, we'll likely see huge developments in how we communicate. Facebook have already introduced a video-call service as part of their instant messaging 'Chat' feature, FaceTime comes as standard with all Apple devices with a front-facing camera. Soon we'll even be projecting our video recipients using 'sixth-sense technology' that requires users to interact with the world around them. To find out more, watch Pranav Mistry wowing the crowds with his demonstrations at the latest TED Talks:.

The evolution of how we use the internet has also led to this need for faster connections in the modern age. For some people fast connections are not a luxury, but are actually considered as a necessity. For instance, it is common now for people to work at home. When working at home it is vital that a secure and stable connection is established, as people need instant access to their emails, documents and other online work materials. Slow connections and unstable internet could lead here to less productivity in the working day, making for a frustrating working day, thus the stability and speed of the internet connection is vital here.

Another reason why 2013 will be the year of fibre optic broadband is the increasing use of communication online, particularly on social media sites. As these become increasingly popular, and indeed many people will use this as their primary form of communication, a desire for fast and secure connections will go hand in hand alongside this.

The government is hoping that 90% of homes and businesses will have superfast, fibre optic
broadband service by 2015 and many companies are helping to meet that target, with a third of homes already covered.

2013 will undoubtedly see a shift in how we connect to the internet, as the way we use the internet continues to change and evolve, from research to communication purposes, it is only natural that old traditions wane and we move to groundbreaking, forward-thinking conventions.

Top Firefox Add-Ons for Web Designers

The web browsers play a vital role in our daily routine work and in today’s era more even browsers extensions are being built to help web designers and developers. The extensions also help a browser to read it interface and get the work done quickly and accurately. 
Now the question is Are you a Firefox user? Mozilla Firefox has those add-ons which configures all interfaces automatically to run the programme. In this post we are going to discuss about top ten Mozilla Firefox plugins that has been helping web designers and making there way easy. So don’t be a goofball and have a look over the various plug-in while being a user of this web browser.

Firebug - Firebug is one of the most powerful add-on of firefox. It saves browsing time by facilitating various kinds of development tool’s features into a single one. It is a web development tool that is capable of debugging, editing & monitoring any website’s CSS, HTML, XHR, JavaScript live. It helps to inspect element, logging error, enable the developer to run any code, to monitor external style sheets, other URL. It is a free and open source & licensed under BSD license. It was created in 2006 by Joe Hewitt & now many others such as John odvarko, robcee, firebug working-group etc. are associated with it. The latest version Firebug 1.11.1 has been released in 13 December 2012 by Honza. 
FireFTP - This add-on is actually a cross-platform FTP client. It supports FTP, SFTP; FTPS.It is completely free and open source. It is highly reliable & secure. It was initially designed by Mime Čuvalo& licensed under MPL.It is activated from the tools menu. It provides a two pane view within the Firefox window. One side includes the local directories with local file name and their respective size and other side contains the server side directories, files.one can easily connect with server by using the Account Manager option. Thus it provides an ease of access from client to server.

ColorZilla - It is a great tool for Firefox especially useful in the sense of designing. It is cross plat formed. As the name is used in colour related tasks mainly, using ColorZilla one can get the RGB measurement in any point of the browser, thus one can easily adjust the colours and use it another programs. It helps in enlarging the size of web page elements and measuring the distance between them. It includes Eyedropper, Colorpicker, Page Zooming, Page Pan, and DOM spying features.

Web Developer– This Firefox extension combines various web developer tools into one platform. It can access data, tabs on all websites. It activates with its own toolbar that provides many features of CSS, Forms, and Image & Info options in-built. It was initially written by chrispederick and licensed under GNU.

MeasureIt-This plug-in actually works like a ruler. It draws a rectangle ruler across a web page or any location of web page and gives you the width, height or alignment of page elements in pixel form. It was created by Kevin Freitas. Once you download this add-on a ruler icon comes on the lower left corner of browser window, to measure anything just click and drag the icon into desired point.

HTML Validator- HTML Validator is also known as CSS Validator or web Validator. It is used for checking of validation inside Mozilla and Firefox. In main page source the HTML code lies with the other scripting language and sometimes it seems to be very difficult to check only the HTML codes, this add-on remove this problem. It detect error and warnings for SGML parser result and HTML tidy result in browser and thus very useful for online validation checking. It also has a clean-up option that is used to clean the erroneous code.

IE Tab - Sometimes web developers get confused about the display of a web page in internet explorer which they originally have built in Firefox. The IE Tab is the wonderful solution of this problem. With this icon a web designer or a web developer can see how it will look in internet explorer since this tab has an inbuilt IE with it.

Fire Shot – It is a popular add-on of Firefox and gives u a pleasure of photography as it helps to take screenshot of any design in webpage and makes a note upon it. These unknotted pictures can be easily sent, saved, uploaded, emailed & reported.

CSS Viewer – This is very efficient and useful Firefox extension for checking the CSS properties of a web page. It is cross plat formed& worked smoothly in any kind of OS like windows, Linux, Mac OS X etc. Nicolas Huon designed this tool. It allows you to see a preview of the style sheet of the web page and gives the details of every property like colour, background, font-size, font-family etc.

Adblockplus – We often face problems due to unwanted advertisement into web pages while building web-site, searching or browsing. The best solution to get rid of this problem is Adblock Plus, the Firefox add-on. Using this tool we can block the disturbing ads by blocking the malware domain or main internet path of these ads. Thus it also helps to create a safe and secure internet access environment for the user. This plug-in now-a-days is available in multiple languages.

HTML processor- HTML processor is also known as CSS processor or web processor. It is used for checking of validation inside Mozilla and Firefox. In main page source the HTML code lies with the other scripting language and sometimes it seems to be very difficult to check only the HTML codes, this add-on remove this problem. It detect error and warnings for SGML parser result and HTML tidy result in browser and thus very useful for online validation checking. It also has a clean-up option that is used to clean the erroneous code.

Guest Post by Munna for Designmodo .Visit this blog to win free templates and learn exiting tutorials. Being a part-time blogger, he loves writing guest blogging articles. He also offers link building and organic SEO services.

Things That You Keep In Mind To Stay Healthy In Winter

The winter season can take its toll on a person's health. In a recent study, almost 55 percent feel that the lack of daylight and the chilling effect during the winter season makes them feel below normal even if there is no cause for such feeling. So, even if people are mentally and physically okay, they still feel a bit uneasy due to the weather. But, it should not stop you from doing things that you keep in mind to stay healthy in winter. One of which is through exercise and diet. There are several forms of workout routines you can try. Diet needs to be attuned to the season as well. You can find different diet plans over the internet. Try to ask about Medifast reviews as well.

Moreover, here are ways for you to keep yourself healthy during the winter season.

1. Pay close attention to how your skin feels during this cold season. If it becomes tight, then you might want to switch to another moisturizing cream. The cold usually dries the skin up faster. Try to switch to a moisturizing cream that moistens the exposed layer without freezing over.

2. Keep green plants indoor. It will help clean out the air and provide you with good source for much needed oxygen. Most of the time, we breathe indoor air that are processed. Try to keep as much green plants inside your home as possible to help clean the air.

3. Follow a sleeping routine. Try to go to bed earlier than you do during the spring season. It will help you cope up with the ever shifting time changes during this season. Sleep also helps repair damage tissues and re-energizes your body in the morning.

4. Be physically active especially during the winter. The season can bring out the laziness in people. Most people tell alibis that they are not able to jog because of the snow. But, there are other ways to keep the blood pumping without having to go outside for a jog. Find suitable ways to exercise.

5. You can switch your outdoor activities for indoor ones like dancing, yoga, and aerobics. All of which can be done inside your living room. You can also call friends to join you and inspire you to do more.

6. Take vitamin D supplements like fish oil. The added vitamin supplement can help replenish our need for sunlight when it is very scarce.

These are just a few tips that will help keep you healthy during the winter days. Along with the physical activities, you should pay close attention to your diet. You can search for reviews of diets and see which one is good for your health.

Author Bio:

Jay is a former collegiate athlete as well as a health & fitness enthusiast who writes on topics such as reviews of diet, exercise, general health, and nutrition for www.dietbrandreviews.com

Amazing 5 Products in Technology Industry

2013 is another good year for technology as it introduced innovative and amazing products. While some are pretty happy and satisfied with those gadgets available in the market, the tech industry has so much more to offer. Nowadays, phones can almost perform every function, there are cars that are nearly capable of driving themselves, and video games have never been these fantastic.

The Hiroko or the MIT’s folding car is one of the best to be expected this year. The Massachusetts Institution of Technology is set to release this amazing car model in selected American and European market this year. This car has the capability of folding up. This means that three of them will be able to occupy a regular parking space.

Glass Project of Google
You have probably heard about the glass project of Google, but you may not have taken it seriously. The development of this sci-fi specs is already very close to reality as revealed by some experts in the industry. Vuzix and Google are working in this amazing model of augmented reality glasses. This works just like a headset and has the capability of projecting any type of image in the eyes of the wearer. It is believed that competitors like Apple and Microsoft are also beginning their prototype. With this competition, this wearable technology will surely heat up this year.

Galaxy Skin
When technology and fashion meet, there is surely an amazing thing that can happen. This is surely the case with the smart phones that bends. Samsung has recently showcased its latest OLED display technology. This is a kind of technology which can be wrapped in the wrist or hands. This is set to be known as the Galaxy skin, which will contain every feature that is expected from a smart phone like excellent processor, high resolution screen and many more.

5.0 Android Lime Pie
After the release of the Android 4.21 Jelly Bean, the 5.0 Android Lime Pie is set to invade the tech industry. This is believed to be launched early May of this year and the very first company to use this product is LG. The very first phone that will carry this is rumored to be the Nexus 7 or the Optimus G2. This newest Android is also believed to be compatible with the newest release of Google which is known as the Google TV.

Wii U
When it comes to video console history, many gamers and tech experts would agree that it was marked by the generations that passed. This has been a very long generation and many gadgets of this kind have already gone. The newest to be released to the excitement of many enthusiasts is the Wii U. The next generation of console will surely have difficulty in stacking up with this one which is coming very soon from Microsoft and Sony.

Truly, technology is becoming more intuitive and simpler. With these new products slated to enter the market this year, all are surely keeping their ears and eyes open. These are truly exciting and amazing products that everyone will look forward to.

Author Bio:
Matt Stern is the Social Media Coordinator for Kontron, a global leader in embedded computer technology specializing in the production of computers such as a rugged military computer, a fanless pc, and mini its motherboards and more.

How to Make the Most of the All-Important First Date

It can be difficult enjoying the first date, but as the potential start of a new relationship, singles should try to be themselves and make the most of the first date. Read on for some additional first date tips.

Where To Meet
Perhaps one of the most difficult decisions to make is where to meet for a first date. Always try to choose somewhere public and although bars are popular, it can be worth checking out first, as one that is too noisy or crowded will make chatting very difficult. Some singles meet for a meal, although this can make a first date uncomfortable if conversation halts during the starter. For those who do decide to eat on the first date, avoid messy foods such as spaghetti, greasy chicken wings or ribs.

Generally, shorter first dates are more comfortable, particularly if it does not work out, however, there is also the opportunity to lengthen the date if everything is going very well. As with any date, always make sure a friend knows whom the date is with and where the date will be.

What To Talk About
Some people find it helpful to decide on a few conversation topics before the first date, so that if conversation stops, it is easy to start a new topic. Avoid raising emotional topics and any discussions around ex-partners. If a date does ask a direct question about an ex-relationship, then do be honest. Some gentle humour can also help relax a date, maybe talk about something funny that may have happened at work recently. Some singles, such as Latin women, may also admit that they do feel a little nervous on a first date and the chances are that the person they are dating may also admit to feeling the same way. Always try to spend as much time listening as talking and of course, always remember good manners. Good manners also include turning phones off and not sending messages halfway through the date.

Paying bills on a first date can sometimes be a little awkward. As a rule, men tend to pick up a bill, but a woman should always offer. If there is any uncertainty, or even reluctance to pick up a bill, just gracefully offer to split.

Other Tips
Do spend some extra time on appearance before the first date, but also make sure that the outfit is appropriate for the type of date. Dressing formally for an afternoon coffee will not only look out of place but will also cause feelings of discomfort. Avoid having too much alcohol. If meeting in a bar, just have one or two alcoholic drinks, drink them slowly and then switch to soft drinks. Avoid lies or exaggerations on a first date and if first impressions are not great, then try to reconsider, as first impressions are sometimes misleading.

Finally, remember to make the most of a first date and try to enjoy it. Even if the first date does not work out romantically, it is still nice to be able to say that it was an enjoyable occasion.

Tim Scott regularly contributes articles to dating websites. Tim also guest blogs about latin women on a number of international dating blogs.

Mobile Apps to Revolutionize Healthcare Technologies

Mobile apps for medical use are coming in a big way. Doctors use them in many different ways to give better services to their patients. Medical apps help patients because they help bring awareness easily and monitor their health on a minute by minute basis. They help to get in touch with doctors instantly and report their conditions. Doctors for their part can suggest treatments instantly and save valuable time. 

Present and Future Projections for Medical Apps
It is estimated that by the year 2018 patients will be spending more than $8 billion on devices, services and apps. In 2010 patients spent $500 million on these, and market reports suggest that on an average the market grew 44% compounded on an. Driving sales up are mobile medical apps resulting in higher sales for devices and services as well.

Advantages of Mobile Medical Apps
The biggest benefit of mobile medical apps is they help patients understand their conditions better. Better understanding means making doctors’ work a little easier. Doctors through the use of graphics can explain the changes taking place in their body as they happen. They can come up with explanations to build confidence in the minds of their patients without the necessity for patients to visit doctors’ offices.
Another reason to use medical apps is to communicate with patients over long distances and with patients who do not understand the native language. For example, if doctors need to explain a certain feature to the patient living in another country, all that he or she needs to is open up a diagram available in the app and straight away get to give them the details. The use of mobile apps for medicine does not end with doctor to patient relationship. 

Mobile Medical Apps in Post Operative Care
Paramedical staff can use it for post-operative management, especially in serious medical conditions like heart ailments and orthopedic conditions. In orthopedic conditions they are used to give physiotherapy treatment which otherwise may require the patient’s personal presence at the hospital. It saves money for patients, and time for paramedical staff. 

Making life Easy for Doctors Too
Besides improving interactivity, mobile medical applications help in the billing process and record keeping as well. Doctors, who use mobile medical apps nowadays, use it for preparing patient records. That they do by dictating it on their apps which store information in cloud storage facilities which are downloaded and converted into paper records by administrative staff.

Choosing Mobile Medical Apps
Some innovative apps even help find the right hospital for special health conditions. They help by giving information on special departments and services available in hospitals. Apps also help patient find hospitals that can be accessed instantly for emergencies. 

Here are some well known mobile medical apps - DrawMD, Visible Body, Isabel App and VaxNation and so on. Before you buy the apps check their features and hardware requirements. Some apps need high memory to install and may have privacy policies you may not like. We recommend that you don’t look only for free apps, they may serve some purpose, but with paid apps you will get support and updates.

This is a guest post by Jena Branch. She is a guest writer who writes about technology, internet and digital cable. You can check out for the best deals for cox internet if you visit the site.

5 Great Online Diet Tracking Websites

Diet fads may come and go all of the time, but the desire for people to stay healthy and in shape is something that has never gone away. As technology has gotten better and better, so has the ability to follow a diet and be successful in whatever goals a person may have- whether it is simply to maintain their current weight, or to lose weight or even just to live a healthier all around life. Part of the technology book that has been witnessed by dieters is in regards to apps and web sites that seek to help people track their diets.

The benefits of tracking a diet are many, and do a lot towards helping someone follow their diet plan successfully and meet their intended goals. Before the internet, many dieters would have to keep food diaries, in which they log what they ate for each meal and then analyze the caloric and nutritional values of the meals. But, now that the internet has evolved, people can simply download a software program onto their lap top or personal computer, and that program will track everything and analyze everything for them. In essence, it is now easier than ever to follow a diet and to log information in regards to eating and exercise habits.

There are many online diet tracking websites available to people these days. Some are much better than others, and some offer features that others do not. The following is a list of some of the best diet tracking websites available online today:

Online Diet Tracking Website #1. MyNetDiary Calorie Counter
This website operates in the same exact way as a food diary- except it does all the work for the user. All the user has to do is enter what they are for each meal, and then the website will save that information and then provide the user with caloric intake information. That information is then translated to determine whether or not the user is on track, below or over their caloric intake goal for the day.

#2. MyFitnessPal
This site works as a food diary and also as an exercise diary, which allows the user to compare and contrast how many calories they take in and how many calories they expend with their exercise routine. The food database contains more than 1.1 million food items, so odds are it can track just about anything the user would put into their mouth.

#3. Weight Watchers Mobile
This company has made a name for themselves as great resources for people seeking to diet. Their diet tracking web site is no different. It helps a person stay on track and successfully diet.

#4. Spark People
Spark People does a great deal towards encouraging people to exercise and diet in the healthiest way possible. The website also provides exercise demonstrations that would burn calories from a meal the quickest.

#5. Shroomies Nutrition Menu
This site has calorie information for tons of national food chains, so if you eat out a lot, this site is a perfect fit.

Author Bio: Ken is a freelance writer for a host of websites and newspapers. He recently lost 20 pounds due in part to a diet tracking website. Click here to read more about a check-in kiosk and what it can do for you.

Why The First Cut Isn't The Cheapest When Buying Tools

If you are in the market for tools it pays to shop around as there is a wide variation in quality and prices and buying online can get you the best deals.

A bad workman, so the saying goes, blames his tools. However, bad tools can make a job more difficult and they are usually false economy because they wear and break so you end up having to buy again. Whether you are a DIYer or a tradesman looking for items for the tool room or for use out on site it pays to buy the best you can afford. That can be expensive in the short term but it pays off in the long run and if you buy online you can often make significant savings.

Types Of Tool
Tools fall into a wide range of categories, broadly there are power tools and hand tools but within these there are tools for cutting, measuring, dealing with fastenings and so on. In addition there are specialised tools for particular industries such as the automotive sector.

Cutting tools are perhaps the most important part of your toolkit. They are at the very heart of many jobs and if you don't have the right ones to hand you simply won't be able to proceed. More so than with other tools when it comes to cutting you need to buy the best you can afford. Cheap options will simply blunt quickly and not do an effective job. It is important to select the right option for the job too, drills meant for metal will not do when it comes to masonry for example. This is an area where size matters too, the job will be easier if you have the right sized tool.

These rules don't just apply to cutting. Whatever the nature of the job buying quality tools always pays off, forget about cheap spanners that bend in the face of a seized nut and buy the best you can afford.

Buying Online
Because there is such a vast choice on offer when it comes to tools it can sometimes be hard to find exactly what you want, especially if you are relying on popping down to the local DIY shop. The days of men in brown coats who had pretty much anything you asked for tucked away in the back somewhere are long gone.

It is therefore much easier to buy online. You will find a much wider choice and you can take your time browsing the available options to ensure you get exactly the right one. It also means you can get all you need in one place without having to visit several specialist suppliers. Provided you plan ahead so you are not caught out needing something in a hurry there shouldn't be a problem needing to get items delivered. If you are worried about security make sure you choose an established site.

Buying tools is never something you should undertake lightly. Buy well and your choice will serve you for many years, go for something cheap and you will end up replacing it sooner, plus the quality of your jobs will suffer.

Christine is an experienced DIY enthusiast and freelance writer. She always recommends buying the best cutting tools you can afford.

Is Online Shopping Bad For The Health (Of Your Wallet?)

The growth of online shopping has changed the face of UK retail beyond recognition recently as more and more consumers take to the internet. But are they actually getting a good deal? The pros and cons are not always immediately obvious.

With a reported 32 million people in the UK (66% of adults) having bought goods or services online in 2011, there is no doubting the popularity of internet shopping. As that number continues to rise, retailers are realising the power of an online presence. A little planning ahead and some savvy shopping can make sure of a good deal.

Shop Around For Deals.

There are many price comparison websites now, whether you want to check deals on your grocery shop or car insurance. They work well for some products, but for others, you might find you need to check individual retailers.

For bigger items, you might want to 'try before you buy,' and feel a physical product; sit on the cheap leather recliner sofas or see just how firm that orthopaedic mattress is. Nothing stops you doing your research in a 'bricks and mortar' store and then committing to your decision from the comfort of your armchair. Online retailers are often able to discount because they don't have the overheads of a High Street retailer. Some might argue though that this approach is leading to the demise of many household names who have fallen foul of the current recession.

Check What Other People Think.
The myriad forums and blogs online mean there is almost undoubtedly a voice out there to give you feedback on a product, service or retailer. These work both ways, so it is worth adding your opinions to these groups, too.

Beware The Impulse Purchase.
With no closing time for internet shops, you can browse for hours. The danger then is that you see things you weren't looking for and add them to your basket.

Retailers count on it. Clever ones set up their websites to show what "other people also bought" or suggest "you might also like" this or that product that you hadn't considered. Suddenly, the money you saved by buying online has gone, eaten up by another purchase that you hadn't planned on.

As a consumer, to get the best from online shopping, prepare. Know what you want and research it. It's not always about the lowest price, but rather the best value and if you can only see a picture, the opinions of others who have already made the purchase become invaluable.

Physical stores won't disappear altogether, at least not for retailers willing to embrace change. Those that understand the growth of online retail will ensure their stores change with the times and perhaps they will become more like showrooms or somewhere to collect goods. Ultimately, convenience rules and whether that is browsing at leisure from home or on a smartphone on the daily commute, consumers are shopping in a different way that looks set to stay.

Tom Campbell writes regularly on business and marketing for a range of retailers' websites and blogs. He is currently renovating a house abroad, using the internet to source anything and everything, from floor tiles to cheap leather recliner sofas.

Innovative Technology That May Effect The Outcome of your DUI

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Approximately 40 percent of the traffic fatalities that happen each year are caused by a drunk driver. Because of this, both law officials and manufacturers are placing an increasingly big emphasis on finding ways to identify them before they hurt someone. Even though the ideal scenario would involve preventing people from driving intoxicated in the first place, this is usually not possible. Therefore, the following technology has been created to assist police officers when they pull over a drunk driving suspect.

Technology for Determining if a Person is Intoxicated

 HawkEye - The most common reason that a police officer will conduct a  sobriety test is if a person’s eyes are bloodshot and jerk involuntarily. Proving that this happened, however, was impossible before HawkEye was released. HawkEye uses infrared sensors and a wireless microphone to record the motions of a driver's eyes during a sobriety test. The intent of this technology is to support the police officer's claims during a trial, but many such a as a criminal defense attorney Massachusetts or California based question the necessity of this device. They also feel this form of technology may have reliability issues.

 Passive Alcohol Sensor Flashlights - It is common when a police officer pulls someone over at night for them to approach the car with a flashlight in their hand. Instead of a normal flashlight, however, some officers are carrying a passive alcohol sensor flashlight that will enable them to determine from one foot away if someone is intoxicated. These flashlights measure the presence of alcohol in the air, and they provide them with a color coded response that will help them determine if they should move forward with a sobriety test.

 Infrared Camera Technology - Although this science is still in the testing stages, it does provide law officials with hope that they will eventually no longer need to rely on field sobriety tests to determine if someone is under the influence. The infrared camera system would analyze a suspect's face for the warm and cool spots that are associated with being drunk, and it would also complete a thermal-image scan that would tell the officer whether the individual's face was indicative of a sober or intoxicated person.

Technology to Keep an Individual from Driving while

 Transdermal Alcohol Sensors - This prototype is not available yet, but if it passes the testing stage, it will provide judges around the nation with a new way to make sure that DUI offenders do not commit a second offense. The Transdermal Alcohol Sensor is worn around the wrist, and it detects the presence of alcohol in the wearer's blood stream. By combining this technology with an electronic tether, it would become practically impossible for an individual to drive while intoxicated without the police knowing about it immediately.

 Interlock Ignition Device - This device has been available for years, and every state has a law on the books that allows judges to include mandatory usage as a condition of being able to drive. The device acts like a breathalyzer, and if the person is inebriated, their vehicle will not start.
Even with all of this technology, there are still approximately 1.4 million DUI arrests each year. However, if lawmakers and researchers at QinetiQ North America have their way, each new car in the U.S. will be sold with the Driver Alcohol Detection Systems for Safety within 10 years. If this happens, no one will be able to start their vehicle if they are under the influence. Until this becomes a reality, it is still important to be careful after drinking, and if you are arrested, you should contact an attorney immediately.

Science enthusiast Ieda Vincent offers this for those fascinated with the latest technology. Jack Diamond is a criminal defense attorney Massachusetts based that participates with many National groups focused on DUI.  He will work aggressively to diminish the damaging effects a driving under the influence charge can bring.

The advantages of Cellular Repair Training

With the rapid advancement in the industry of mobile phones, there is a natural requirement of cellular repair industry. For people who opt for vocational training, the best choice available in recent trend to getting cell phone training from a highly skilled institute. They can reap the rewards within a short span. People who run a mobile shop or those who may be budding businessmen can get training from a Cell phone repair school to enhance their enterprise dealings and thereby expanding their business in today’s mobile world. A person who is not using cell phone is quite less in these days and also it is unavoidable in the recent lifestyle.

How to get Cellular Repair Training?
Before few years, most of the people discard their mobiles if in case of any problems or if it gets physically damaged and they opt for an alternative new mobile purchase. But, now a day’s most of the people are not ready to discard their costlier Smartphones for the sake of small issues. If these kinds of mobiles when get repaired, it is comparatively cheaper to repair rather than replacing it. With the incoming of new trendy technology wise highly advanced mobiles in the market on weekly basis, there is a lucrative opportunity for the Cell phone repair School.

The Cell Phone training differs in duration based upon which they various in fees charged. A good Cell phone repair school will give practical training for repairing the faults found in the cell phone. But most of the schools which offer cell phone repair training only theoretically through which gaining clear idea about repairing techniques are not possible.

Also, one advantage of getting training about cell phone repairing is that one can also gain skill to repair camera phones also. Also, they will be equipped to assemble all kinds of cell phones and also to disassemble the same if in case of any requirement. This is made possible as the cell phone training impart knowledge on working of integrated circuits which is main component in most of the communication goods. 
Training in Cell phone repair school
The Cell phone repair school offers training regarding the different kinds of cell phones, basic operations, and identification of location of hardware components. The skills to handle the most common repair problem which may occur frequently in most of the mobiles are taught. Software issues like unlocking of username passwords, network, and restoring settings are also trained in the Cell phone repair school. The main requirement of a good cell phone repairer is to use proper tool for rectifying any kind of issue. Hence, training regarding the different kinds of tools and their utilities are also provided. Liquid damage treatment, flex cable, speakers issue, trackballs or track pads issues and so on are few basic repairs for which practical training will be provided.

Cellular Repair School usually for those who completed basic training will offer further training regarding iPhones repair techniques. Under this training, one will gain knowledge for diagnosing the issues related to software or hardware in a iphones and techniques to be implemented in rectifying it.

Implementing the TouchableView on the Iphone

In addition to the beginning touch point and the last updated point, we also keep track the currently displayed color and the full array of colors that the view can rotate through. There are a number of things we need to set up in the view’s subclass, the first of which is to override the superclass’s -initWithFrame:method, After calling thesuper’s initWithFrame, build the color array for the view to rotate through and set the initial colorIndex to zero. Next, set the view’s backgroundColorbased on that index, and then set the userInteractionEnabledto YESso that the application can receive single touch events. With touchevents enabled, we need to implement all the touchmethods to receive those events. The first one is -touchesBegan: withEvent.

This method records the location of the beginning touch withtouchBeganPoint and sets the lastUpdatedPoint to the same location. We grab any of the touches from the set because we are configured only for single touch events, so it is irrelevant as to which touch we get. Now that the touch workflow is set, we need to wait for the next event before we can perform any action. One of three possible methods will be called, the easiest of which to implement is the -touchesCancelled:withEvent.

A cancel event occurs only when something interrupts the application. For example, this might happen when there is an incoming SMS message, phone call, or some other external event on the iPhone. As such, don’t treat a cancel as a failure but as an opportunity to reset the state. If the event is not canceled, you can send either of the following two methods next: -touchesEnded:withEvent:or -touchesMoved:withEvent:. For this application, we implement -touchesEnded:withEvent:

Using this method, we first determine the delta of the current UITouchbased on the touchBeganPoint. If the x ory delta is greater than the tap threshold, the touch is treated as the end of a move and resets the state. If the touch is within the tap threshold, however, we need to change the background color of the view and cause it to throb for visual feedback. After rotating the color index and grabbing a reference for the next color, we begin an animation block. This tells the iPhone OS that all the property changes within this block should be performed together as a single animation transaction. We then set ourselves as the delegate for the animation. Because we want the transform to reverse, we need to add another transform to the delegate call. This enables us to reset the scale back to normal after the initial zoom as completed.

After setting the delegate, we give it an @selectorto call back on when the animation is complete. Finally, we apply the grow transform, set the background color, and commit the animations. This now causes the view to expand by 40 percent and change its background color in a smooth animation. After this animation block is complete, we need to apply another transform with the -throbReset: context: method to undo the grow transform.

Author Bio: Sussan Deyhim is a University Lecturer and Editor of Personal Loan. She loves to write on technical topics like SEO . She is writing from last three years

HTC One – Another Great Flagship Device by HTC

HTC is all set to steal the thunder in the smartphone market arena with its new flagship device HTC One. It was revealed recently at various conferences and exhibitions in different parts of the world and was able to get a good media attention and expert reviews. It is not just technologically advanced with its powerful processor and hardware but also the lovely crafted metallic body of the phone enhances its appeal to a great extent. Without any doubt, a lot has gone in the preparation of this great mobile phone. This device is thin, flat and rectangular in design. Also, it sports a screen of 4.7 inch which consists of a LCD display backed by 1080 pixels. The SoLux technology is integrated in the phone for improved quality of picture. The wide viewing angles, vibrant colors as well as a brilliant brightness do the magic for HTC One. The detailing is also pretty much up to the standards. You will get one of the best viewing experiences in this phone. 
The all-aluminum body of the HTC is something worth mentioning. The device has got a zero gap unibody design. As of now it’s available in black and silver colors which make the device look sturdy. Also, the smooth metallic skin of the device reveals a high end craftsmanship by the manufacturers. The dual speakers of the phone function in unison to deliver the best audio experience when you listen to music or watch movies on your phone. The onboard amplifier integrated in the phone is backed by Beats Technology in the form of BoomSound. Seeing the popularity of this device a lot of service providers are offering lucrative HTC One contract deals to the customers.
A flagship smartphone can never become great if it is not powered by a worthy OS. However, you will be impressed to know that HTC One fares well in this regard as it consist of a powerful 1.7 GHz quad core Snapdragon 600 processor. The device is available in two memory variants, including 32 GB and 64GB and both of these variants run on 2 GB RAM. There is a 2300 mAh battery embedded in this phone to take care of the power needs of the device. Even though it might be not as powerful as HTC Droid or Motorola Drod Razr phones, still it gives a decent backup. To match the hardware, HTC One is equipped with Android Jelly Bean OS along with HTC Sense UI. Besides this, you can find other important features in this phone including IR Blaster, BlinkFeed, HTC Sense TV app, which further enhance the utility of the phone.

Resource Box:-
Anzer Khan is a professional article writer and has written many mobile phone reviews. He can be contacted on khan.anzer@yahoo.co.in. You must visit online stores to look out for some good HTC One contractdeals.
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